The May 2018 meeting of the PACS Web Design SIG fell on Preakness Day. An exciting time for this Baltimore native. Even better news now that we know that Justify won and then he went on to win the Belmont and the Triple Crown to boot. We did celebrate National Devil’s Food Cake day and briefly […]
JavaScript 30 – Building 30 Things Part 3
The April 2018 meeting of the PACS Web Design SIG continued on with another lesson from Wes Bos’ Javascript 30 course. We kicked off the SIG with a brief discussion on the upcoming ‘go-live’ date of May 25 2018 for the General Data Protection Regulation. This European Union (EU) based regulation, which is deemed enforceable […]
JavaScript 30 – Building 30 Things Part 2
The March 2018 meeting of the PACS Web Design SIG continued on with 2 new lessons from Wes Bos’ JavaScript30 course. Last month we built a drum kit and a CSS clock. This month we looked at 1 method to create a sticky navigation menu on our website and then took a quick look at […]
JavaScript 30 – Building 30 Things
We jumped right into JavaScript in February. Instead of taking the more traditional language approach – learning syntax, language structure, formulating expressions, operators and arrays – we just started building stuff that can be used in the real world. We are taking our lead following along with Wes Bos and his online Javascript 30 course. […]
September 2016 Web Design Meeting Report
Wow! An excellent crowd at the inaugural meeting of the Web Design SIG for the 2016-2017 year. We recorded 22 attendees in our new meeting room. Matt kicked off the meeting with a brief background on why the new face at the front. Now that that is done with, let’s get into learning all about […]