A new PACS year is upon us and the PACS SIGs are changing a bit. We mentioned in June that the Web Design SIG was going away in favor of a new SIG focusing on JavaScript. Reed Gustow, the former WordPress SIG leader is going to lead us in learning JavaScript. Me, well my main focus […]
Web Design SIG Archive
The Web Design SIG archive is a history of all of the posts that appeared on this site when it was focusing on web design concepts and implementation methods. We talked about CSS Grid, JavaScript, and Google's Material Design.
JavaScript 30 – Building 30 Things Part IV
The May 2018 meeting of the PACS Web Design SIG fell on Preakness Day. An exciting time for this Baltimore native. Even better news now that we know that Justify won and then he went on to win the Belmont and the Triple Crown to boot. We did celebrate National Devil’s Food Cake day and briefly […]
Thoughts on June and WebDES SIG
Our next gathering of the PACS Web Design SIG will be on Saturday, June 16, 9a In the Giant Supermarket, 315 York Road, Willow Grove PA. This is the last session of the 2017-18 PACS Season. I plan to pull together the major topics we have covered this year – CSS Grid & Javascript. We’ll see […]
JavaScript 30 – Building 30 Things Part 3
The April 2018 meeting of the PACS Web Design SIG continued on with another lesson from Wes Bos’ Javascript 30 course. We kicked off the SIG with a brief discussion on the upcoming ‘go-live’ date of May 25 2018 for the General Data Protection Regulation. This European Union (EU) based regulation, which is deemed enforceable […]
JavaScript 30 – Building 30 Things Part 2
The March 2018 meeting of the PACS Web Design SIG continued on with 2 new lessons from Wes Bos’ JavaScript30 course. Last month we built a drum kit and a CSS clock. This month we looked at 1 method to create a sticky navigation menu on our website and then took a quick look at […]