A new PACS year has kicked off. Well, to be honest, it actually kicked off last month, but I had a scheduling conflict and wasn’t […]
Block Editor Patterns: What and How
Let’s have a closer look at using Block Patterns. Block Patterns might just become one of your favorite tools within WordPress.
How To Add an RSS Feed Reader to your WordPress Website
What is RSS? RSS is a type of web feed that allows users and applications to receive regular updates from a website or blog of their choice.
How to Create a WordPress Form with Payment Options
WP Simple Pay is a Stripe payment plugin for WordPress that lets you accept credit card payments, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and more without having to install any special eCommerce plugins.
SSL Certificates – The Why and How
This Month’s WordPress SIG Topics Topics from the Trenches Anyone, anyone? Yes, in the back! Topics From The Trenches What is markdown?– John Davey What […]
WordPress Website Security
WPSIG October 2022 Website Security This Month’s WordPress SIG Topics What’s new in WordPress since we last met. Our featured area is a discussion on […]