The May 2018 meeting of the PACS Web Design SIG fell on Preakness Day. An exciting time for this Baltimore native. Even better news now that we know that Justify won and then he went on to win the Belmont and the Triple Crown to boot. We did celebrate National Devil’s Food Cake day and briefly alluded to Prince Harry’s Wedding. After all that celebrating we settled down to another lesson from Wes Bos’ JavaScript 30 course.
We started the discussion this month with a review of the upcoming ‘go-live’ date of May 25 2018 for the General Data Protection Regulation. We discussed a few of the issues and why it does apply to US-based websites since the focus of the regulation is on EU citizens, regardless of where they are.
The brief presentation that was offered during the May Web Design SIG session on JavaScript can be found online here. We reviewed a bit of Day 04 – Array Cardio Day 1 and then looked at sections of Day 07, titled Array Cardio – Day 2.
Our GDPR discussion took a number of interesting twists so we didn’t quite get through all of the sections of Array Cardio that were planned.
A question came up regarding the presentation application that was in use. I use a JavaScript library – reveal.js – to build and display the notes. It permits multi-directional control of the slide presentation and allows me to work with elements of HTML that I typically do not use during my standard web site build. It is linked in the resources.
For June’s meeting, we will be pulling the two major topics together that we have spent time on this PACS year. That being CSS GRID and JavaScript. This will take us outside of Wes Bos’ course, but please take the time to review some of the other sessions he offers.
Wes Bos’ Online JavaScript Course:
GPDR – General Data Protection Regulation:
REVEAL.JS – The HTML Presentation Framework:
JavaScript, The Definitive Guide – Sixth Edition
Example code from JavaScript, The Definitive Guide, 6th Edition